Saturday, September 5, 2009


Kaylee Michele Van Drie was born on June 11, 2009 at 10:38 am at Madigan Army Medical Center in Ft. Lewis, Washington.  She weighed 7 lbs 4 oz and was 19.8 inches long.  Kaylee came into the world talking, and she hasn't stopped since.

After she was born, as a new family, we were moved into our own room to start our brand new adventure.  Alex and I spent the next 10 hours or so trying to relax, but not able to because we were too excited about how beautiful our new baby was.  Kaylee was such a sleepy girl her first few days.  I remember the first night I got to share with her, Alex went home to try and catch up on her sleep.  I remember having a talk with Kaylee about how we were going to be in it together her first year since Alex was scheduled to be deployed in July.  It was a very worth while talk =).

After Kaylee was born, everyone was eager to see our newest edition.  The first week Alex and I had to request a day that we decided people couldn't come over!!!  I will admit the first week was absolutely exhausting.  Although Kaylee slept most of the day, she did like to wake up quite a few times at night.  To add to that, Alex and I hadn't quite figured out a routine, but we quickly learned to change her diaper and feed her when she woke up.  We also had to keep mittens over Kaylee's hands because she would just go to town on her face!!!  You can see all of the scratches she accumulated in just 48 hours on her face here to the right.

There was one day that my Mom, Phil, and sister came to visit and Kaylee once again had decided to sleep.  She wouldn't just sleep, she would shut out the rest of the world!  My Mom and sister spent the whole time they were visiting trying to wake Kaylee up.  They tickled her, they moved her arms and legs, they talked to her, and they got nothing!  I think they weren't able to see the color of her eyes until she was about a week old she slept so much.

Our first week with Kaylee was a lot of fun.  It was a time for Alex and I to reflect on our new life, and to appreciate our first little girl.  We just couldn't wait to continue to develop our love for her and to watch her grow into her own person.